Natural repair of fat cells makes lipoedema/lymphoedema disappear completely without surgery and ensures slim, pain-free legs

Learn how thousands of women have already fought their lipoedema from home with a completely natural solution. Discover how you, too, can achieve slim legs, pain-free movement, and enough energy for everyday life in just a few weeks (it also helps with lymphoedema).

Guest article by: Susanne Stegmann | Medical Review: Dr. Frank Becker

Natuurlijke reparatie van vetcellen laat lipoedeem/lymfoedeem volledig verdwijnen zonder operatie en zorgt voor slanke, pijnvrije benen

Hey, my name is Susanne Stegmann.

If you’re currently suffering from lipoedema or lymphoedema

then you’ve come to the right place.

In the next five minutes, I’ll show you how you can completely get rid of lipoedema without surgery

and regain slim legs and arms.

Simply by repairing your damaged fat cells 

and finally addressing the root cause of the condition - 

instead of just masking the symptoms with compression garments or lymphatic drainage.

I suffered from it myself for years.

My own lipoedema and lymphoedema developed after my first pregnancy.

The suddenly thickening legs, pain, and demeaning looks weighed heavily on me at the time.

Before the condition, I was a very active and positive person.

But over time, I no longer had the energy for the things that were once so important to me.

Work became a real struggle.

Walking or standing for long periods became impossible.

Shopping for clothes turned into an ever-growing challenge month by month.

And even in day-to-day family life, I just wasn’t as resilient as I used to be.

I felt like a part of me was slowly "dying".

It was horrible to helplessly watch my body change.

But the worst part was:

No one truly understood what I was going through.

I kept getting well-meaning advice.

"Just try eating a little less. Then you'll lose weight in your legs."

"Oh, come on. Just exercise a bit more, and it'll work out."

"Go to the doctor more regularly. They’ll surely be able to help you."

But it was especially the doctors who weren’t able to help me.

I was already going to lymphatic drainage therapy once a week.

For years, I wore compression stockings that drove me crazy during the summer.

I even tried different diets like keto and low-carb.

On top of that, I was exercising regularly.

But I didn’t feel any real improvement.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

My lipoedema and lymphoedema got worse year after year.

Today, my life looks completely different…

Nowadays, I even feel confident enough to wear short clothes again.

Because, fortunately, I can now say:

I’ve managed to almost completely get rid of my lipoedema.

Without any surgery.

With slim arms and legs.

Pain-free movement.

And plenty of energy in my daily life again.

To be honest:

I hardly notice my lipoedema and lymphoedema anymore.

The exact same results can now be achieved by any woman with lipoedema or lymphoedema.

Including you!

Completely from home, without much effort, and in just a few weeks.

And I understand.

Maybe you can’t fully imagine such a life right now.

But to help make this a reality for you, I’ve written this article.

My goal is to help people like you break free from their current situation.

Back then, I truly wished I could have read exactly what I’m about to share with you in the following lines.

Because if you’re suffering from lipoedema or lymphoedema...

you often find yourself completely on your own, despite medical assistance.

But so that you can finally break free from this vicious cycle...

and enjoy a carefree life again despite lipoedema, I’m about to reveal to you:

✅ Which cells in your body have been damaged, leading to the development of your lipoedema or lymphoedema. The good news: These cells can be repaired more easily than you might think, no matter whether you're 45, 65, or 85 years old.

✅ Why standard medical treatments, like compression or lymphatic drainage, actually worsen lipoedema or lymphoedema in 86% of cases over the long term. Discover whether you're affected and how to protect yourself.

✅ How to remove the fat and water from your legs instead. I’ll show you a strategy similar to what’s used in liposuction - but without the need for surgery. You can implement everything naturally from home while achieving results just as impressive as with actual liposuction.

I was also able to nearly eliminate my lipoedema and lymphoedema using this approach.

Just like over 126,412 other women have successfully done.

Claudia R. now has enough energy to balance work and family seamlessly.

Jutta S. didn’t have to take out a loan for the surgeries and was able to avoid falling into debt.

Jasmin F. feels truly comfortable in her body again, even at the beach.

You see,

Many women out there have already found a way out of the lipoedema jungle.

And now it’s your turn!

To do this, you need to finally address the real cause of your lipoedema or lymphoedema.

Unfortunately, doctors often only tackle the symptoms on the surface.

Which isn’t all that surprising.

The topic is barely covered during medical education.

This often leaves the mistaken belief that lymphatic drainage 

and compression stockings are enough

and that the patient should start feeling better.

If the typical symptoms, like swollen legs or pain while walking, persist…

they are often simply attributed to poor diet or lack of exercise.

Even after many painful years with my lipoedema, 

my general practitioner still advised me:

"Ms. Stegmann, if you stick to your diet a bit more strictly 

and make sure to move every day

the size of your legs will eventually decrease."

At that moment, I was so angry.

My lipoedema had already been confirmed by a specialist, yet my general practitioner didn’t take the problem seriously at all.

That’s when I made the decision:

I clearly couldn’t rely on the UK healthcare system.

At least not if I truly wanted to get rid of my symptoms

and avoid ending up as a care-dependent case in 10 years.

For this reason, I decided to take responsibility for my health into my own hands.

I invested my savings into a holistic treatment.

For this, I specifically went to a private doctor who specialised in lipoedema and lymphoedema.

I learned about him through my friend Natalie.

He had already helped hundreds of women significantly reduce their lipoedema without surgery.

His name is Dr. Muller.

Visiting him was truly one of the best decisions of my life.

For the first time, I felt like I was being taken seriously.

Several examinations were conducted on my body.

Particular attention was paid to my organs, such as the intestines, liver, and adrenal glands.

He also analysed my eating habits

and ultimately developed a complete picture of my health.

Based on that, a tailored therapy plan was created.

By the way, I had to cover the entire cost of the treatment myself

including travel and accommodation expenses.

But today, I can confidently say that the effort was absolutely worth it.

Because Dr. Muller was the first to truly explain to me 

the actual cause of my lipoedema…

and where all my symptoms were really coming from.

Unfortunately, this is rarely addressed in a standard medical practice.

There, you usually just hear:

"Yes, you have lipoedema, and you’ll have to live with it now."

But why it happens in the first place is something most patients never learn.

However, if you understand the connections in detail...

then you can fight back and alleviate your symptoms.

Dr. Muller explained it to me something like this:

Lipoedema is a pathological fat distribution disorder.*1

Your fat cells continue to multiply uncontrollably in the subcutaneous tissue.

However, in this deep skin layer, the body cannot simply break down the fat.

As a result, the legs become fuller year after year.

This much is already known to most affected individuals.

But why exactly does this fat distribution disorder suddenly occur?

After all, no one is born with lipoedema or lymphoedema.

It’s much more important to understand what happened in the years leading up to the onset of the condition.

Because the same pattern consistently emerges —

both in lipoedema and lymphoedema.

Here’s how you can imagine it:

Our bodies are filled with countless tiny blood vessels.

These vessels ensure that nutrients from the blood reach the body’s cells.*2

You can think of blood vessels like a sieve.

They have a specific size

allowing only certain nutrients to pass through.

Other substances, like fats or metabolic waste products

are too large to pass through the vessels.

As a result, they don’t enter the cells.

This is how it works in a healthy body.

Here, you can see the blood vessels illustrated as a simplified graphic for better understanding.

For those of us affected by lipoedema, 

the small blood vessels are damaged.*3

This damage often occurs during phases like puberty, pregnancy, or menopause.

During these times, there’s often a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Depending on genetic predisposition

this imbalance can negatively affect the blood vessels in some women.

Tiny tears develop, causing the blood vessels to widen.

These tears in the blood vessels create a vicious cycle 

that you and I know as lipoedema and lymphoedema.

Suddenly, it’s not just nutrients that can pass through the blood vessels into the tissue—

but other substances too.*4

These substances don’t belong there and are unwanted.

They mainly consist of fat and water.

And that’s where the problem lies:

Normally, excess water or fat in the tissue is simply broken down.

This is the job of the lymphatic system.

It acts like a kind of wastewater treatment plant in your body.

However, in those of us affected by lipeodema, the blood vessels are leaky.

As a result, much more fat and water enter the tissue than the lymphatic system can process.

The excess fat eventually accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue.

There, the body can hardly break it down naturally.

This also explains why all those diets don’t work for us women with lipoedema.

Here, you can see the tears in the blood vessels illustrated as a simplified graphic for better understanding.

So, to summarise it in an extremely simplified way, here’s how lipoedema develops:

  • Hormonal fluctuations can cause small tears to form in your blood vessels.
  • These tears make the blood vessels leaky, allowing more water and fat to enter the tissue.
  • The lymphatic system cannot process the excess water and fat, causing it to accumulate and making the legs increasingly larger with time.

But here’s the good news:

There is a way to break this vicious cycle.

Here’s how you can truly get rid of your lipoedema and lymphoedema:

Dr. Muller gave me hope.

Because, in total, only two steps are necessary to regain your health.

Step 1:

You must repair the damaged blood vessels.

These damaged blood vessels are the main reason why excess fat and water enter the tissue.

Recent studies have shown that these damaged blood vessels 

can actually be repaired relatively easily.

In the studies, participants were given nettle extract, red vine leaves extract, and horse chestnut extract.


After just four weeks, 98% of the previous damage to the blood vessels had been repaired.

Once this happens, excessive amounts of fat and water can no longer easily enter the tissue.

And then you move on to Step 2:

At this point, there is still an excessive amount of fat stored in the subcutaneous tissue from previous years.

In this deep layer of skin, it is almost impossible for the body to break down the fat just like that.

Therefore, the subcutaneous fat must first be converted into fat that can be broken down by the body.

By the way, nothing else will happen with one session of liposuction.

At first, this will be fatty tissue detached.

To do this, the patient is given a solution of special bicarbonates.

Then the doctor can suction the fat out.


The good news is:

You can also take the special bicarbonates orally 

in combination with an active ingredient called Proanthocyanidin (in the form of small capsules).

This achieves a similar effect

namely, that the fat cells gradually detach from the subcutaneous tissue, 

allowing your body to break them down.

The process isn’t as fast as with liposuction, 

but after just a few weeks, you can notice significant differences.

Horse chestnut is known for its highly polymeric Proanthocyanidins content that promotes anti-obesity effects:


If you manage to repair the tears in your blood vessels (Step 1)…

And dissolve the fat from the subcutaneous tissue (Step 2)…

Your legs will become significantly slimmer, and the pain will disappear.

Because, with this approach, you’re finally addressing the root cause of your lipoedema or lymphoedema.

And the best part is:

You can implement everything from the comfort of your own home.

For this, Dr. Muller gave me a dietary supplement.

I still remember it clearly.

It was a Tuesday when we conducted all the examinations.

By Friday, I was scheduled to return to the clinic.

That’s when Dr. Muller presented my treatment plan to me.

I was a bit nervous, but he reassured me:

"Ms. Stegmann, no need to worry.

We didn’t find anything unusual.

I’ll give you a dietary supplement to take home.

Take two capsules of the supplement daily.

You’ll start feeling better very soon."

Here’s what the capsules look like

I looked at him sceptically and asked how these capsules were supposed to help me.

In general, I’m not a fan of taking medications “on a whim”.

But Dr. Muller explained it to me and completely changed my perspective.

"Don’t worry. The capsules are a natural dietary supplement.

They contain exactly the ingredients needed to address the root cause of your lipoedema.

To repair the tears in your blood vessels, 

nettle extract and red vine leaves extract have been added.

To transform the fat in the subcutaneous tissue, 

the capsules include special bicarbonates and horse chestnut (Proanthocyanidin).

As I mentioned, just take one capsule daily.

Within 4 months at the latest, you’ll feel like a different person.

If not, we’ll have a follow-up phone call and see how to proceed."

I thanked him for his efforts and left the clinic.

Admittedly, I had a very uneasy feeling after this conversation.

After all, I had travelled such a long way to see Dr. Muller.

We conducted so many examinations…

and now, in the end, I was just supposed to take these capsules.

I couldn’t imagine for the life of me that this would actually make my lipoedema disappear.

It seemed too good to be true.

So, I started researching the main ingredients online.

But it seemed I had stumbled upon an absolute secret weapon.

I found a study that confirmed the effectiveness of this therapy with 100% certainty.


In the study, 774 women with lipoedema were given a dietary supplement similar to the one Dr. Muller provided me.

It contained nettle extract, red vine leaf extracts, and horse chestnut (Proanthocyanidin).

The results were astounding.

The circumference of the patients' legs and arms decreased after just a few weeks.

After only 12 months, the lipoedema had been reduced by an average of up to 87%.

My initial scepticism vanished after that.

Now, I couldn’t wait to start taking Dr. Muller’s preparation.

So, I began my lipoedema treatment.

Every day, I took one capsule with lunch.

I followed Dr. Muller’s recommendations exactly as he had instructed.

Week after week went by.

But after some time, there was a problem.

I didn’t notice any changes at all.

The treatment seemed to have no effect.

After one week - no visible difference.

After two weeks - still no noticeable change.

After three weeks - I still noticed nothing.

I started having my first doubts about whether this was going to work at all.

I called Dr. Muller and shared my concerns with him.

He told me it was still too early to draw any conclusions.

“If you don’t feel better after four months, get back in touch with me,” he said.

And he was right:

Because after 4 weeks, I noticed the first changes. 

Everything didn’t feel so 'exhausting' anymore. 

My legs no longer hurt, and walking was no longer a struggle

Even small hikes were possible again without any problems.

By now, I understand that the effects of the therapy aren’t immediately noticeable.

After all, it takes time for the small tears in the blood vessels to repair themselves and for the subcutaneous fat to break down.

Only once that happens will you start to feel the effects.

By the second month at the latest, I began to feel the full effect.

My legs and arms finally started to slim down.

And I didn’t even change my diet or increase my physical activity.

At first, it was just a few centimeters.

But after about two months, the difference was already clearly visible.

This progress continued in the following months.

After six months, I felt so much more comfortable in my body.

And after a year, there was almost no trace of my lipoedema or lymphoedema left.

Even shopping for clothes was no longer a problem.

My social life also significantly changed.

I noticed how I started to enjoy life more and went out with friends more often.

Of course, there was also a noticeable change on the scale.

My body was finally able to break down the fat and water from my legs.

After about a year, I had lost a total of 12 kilograms.

And the best news:

You too can get rid of your lipoedema if you finally address the root cause.

By now, I’ve come across hundreds of success stories.

Everyday women have been able to significantly reduce their lipoedema within just a few weeks.

I’ve already shared a few of their stories with you at the beginning of this article.

And the same is possible for you.

All you need to do is find a dietary supplement that meets the following criteria:

  • To repair the tears in your blood vessels, the supplement should contain nettle extract and red vine leaves extract.
  • To transform the subcutaneous fat, it should include salt-based bicarbonates and horse chestnut extract (Proanthocyanidin).

All of these recommendations come directly from Dr. Muller…

and they also apply to the products he gave me at the time.

It’s absolutely essential to pay attention to these details.

Otherwise, you won’t experience any noticeable effects.

The good news is:

The dietary supplement is available for purchase without a prescription.

So, you don’t need to go to Dr. Muller yourself.

The products are made by the company “Greenleaf Blends”,

which specialises in developing products that address the root causes of diseases.

The dietary supplement for lipoedema and lymphoedema is called “Water Balance Blend”.

If you're currently struggling with lipoedema or lymphoedema, 

you’ve probably had thousands of products recommended to you.

But I can wholeheartedly recommend this:

Try the “Water Balance Blend” supplement for at least four to five months.

There is virtually no other combination of ingredients that addresses the root cause of lipedema as effectively.

This is completely unpaid advertising.

I don’t earn a single cent for sharing this link.

I’m just a genuinely convinced customer who has witnessed the amazing effects multiple times in my own circle.

However, you don’t have to buy the “Water Balance Blend” supplement.

I’ve already listed the individual ingredients above that can help you tackle the root cause of your lipoedema.

So, you can also order these ingredients separately online if you prefer.

That’s what I originally planned to do myself.

But then I compared the cost of purchasing the individual ingredients with the cost of the “Water Balance Blend” supplement.

I noticed that the “Water Balance Blend” supplement was significantly more affordable.

That’s exactly why I always recommend it.

Oh, I’ll just drop the link to the supplement here for you.

This way, you can take a look and decide for yourself.

*Update: Due to increasing popularity, the supplement has been sold out frequently in recent times. There’s also a discount promotion running at the moment. This means Water Balance Blend will likely be unavailable soon.

It usually takes 6–8 weeks for the product to be restocked.

That’s why I recommend grabbing the three-month supply right away.

That way, you’re on the safe side and won’t experience any interruptions in use.

I actually ran out once, and during that time, the supplement was sold out.

I had to pause for a month, and by the third week, I noticed my leg pain returning.

With the three-month supply, you’ll also experience the best results.

The longer you use the supplement, 

the more your blood vessels can heal

and the more subcutaneous fat can be broken down.

The manufacturer genuinely wants you to feel as great as possible

That’s why they offer a very generous bulk discount on the three-month package. 

With the three-month supply, you’ll not only achieve the best results but also save the most money.

Your purchase is also completely risk-free, which I find very fair.

If you’re not satisfied with the effects of “Water Balance Blend”, you’ll get a full refund.

This money-back guarantee is offered because over 97% of customers are satisfied.

By clicking the button below, you’ll be taken directly to the “Water Balance Blend”.

There, you can check out the supplement for yourself.

I recommend first seeing if the products are still available.

👉🏼 Check Availability 👈🏼

A Few Final Words:

I’ve provided you with all the essential information in this article…

and I hope you now have a better understanding of the connections 

and background behind your lipoedema or lymphoedema.

I’ve shown you how to finally address the root cause of your condition - 

so that your legs and arms finally slim down,

your pain while walking disappears,

shopping for clothes becomes a joy again,

and you can go through life with greater well-being.

And believe me:

When the first successes start to show over time…

and an old friend greets you with the words:

"Wow, I almost didn’t recognise you. You’ve lost weight!"

You’ll feel absolutely amazing.

So many others have already achieved this.

Now it’s your turn!

I wish you a wonderful day and all the best for your health.

Warm regards,


11 Answers

Tanja N.

Hey Susanne, first of all, thank you so much for your efforts and this article. I really learned a lot, and the part about these regulatory cells is super fascinating. I was initially a bit sceptical about the ingredients and whether they were completely safe. The names sounded so complicated, and I thought they might be some sort of chemicals. But I found out they are naturally occurring substances, not chemicals. I’ve now ordered from the lipoedema company and am really excited about the results.


Nicole F.

I’ve had exactly the same experience with doctors as you. None of them could really help.


Anja M.

Hi Susanne, I just have to say thank you. I read the article two months ago and immediately tried some of your suggestions. I’m feeling so much better now. Big hugs to you. You really opened my eyes. I’ve even shared this article with friends who also have lipoedema, and they are very impressed too.


Sabina S.

Here’s some independent feedback on the article: I first read it about six months ago, and of course, I was super curious to see if everything you described would actually work. So, I decided to buy Water Balance Blend and give it a try. I just want to say a huge thank you. After taking it for 2–3 weeks, I feel so much better. Incredible. I wish I had discovered this 10 years ago.


Takesha G.

Clearly and simply written with great new insights. Thank you for that.


Marina F.

I was diagnosed with lipoedema last year and was absolutely overwhelmed with information. Even different doctors gave me completely different recommendations, and I often don’t know who to trust. I’ll definitely give the supplement a try.


Simone W.

A friend just sent me this article. It really explains a lot about lipoedema, things I had already suspected but now feel confirmed.


Victoria R.

Wow, you look amazing these days. I never would have thought that legs with lipoedema could get so much slimmer.


Bettina P.

How much did you pay for your treatment with the doctor overall? I’m also looking into treatment with a private doctor.


Carmen Z.

I’ve just bought the capsules as well. I just hope my legs lose some of their circumference. I’ve already tried so much.


Maike S.

Very informative. I only got my official diagnosis two years ago, and the doctors haven’t been able to help me at all so far. I’m really starting to lose hope.


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